Wednesday, September 09, 2009

the siren

I've had my itunes on random today, letting Apple himself pick my music. One of the songs that another rolled into playing caused my chest a tight, thickening amount of pain. This song, "Nicest thing", was played daily; not just out of my computer speakers, but in my head for many months. My room-mate may even tell you she heard me humming it in my sleep, or belting it while throwing my loose-fitting jeans on in the morning.
It's incredible how music empowers us in these dynamic ways. It's incredible how moving music is to our minds and our hearts.
It's amazing how music can heal....
and how it haunts.
It's a double standard; a contradiction.

It's thought provoking how hearing this piece of art sung today haunted me the very same way it did in March.

You know that aroma?.....

The one that makes you smile... from your left ear to your right. The smell of a certain flower that your grandma had in an antique glass on her sink... in the heat of summer, still protruding abundantly through your aroma of heat's dirt and sweat? Or the smell of "Christmas" (whatever that may be to you)... cozy fires, apple cider... I believe the "first snow" even has it's own precious scent. Cranberry tea is one of my favorite.

Then there's those fragrances that become physically ailing because of the memories they re-deliver so tactfully, making you pause to reevaluate. Because of the memories... the fragrance paralyzes you with fear.

Music is aroma.
It's movement is poison.
Music is our ever-moving and our ever-saving grace,
Music begins; as well as walking us countless steps back.
Music provides for us it's very own silver screen display of flashbacks.
The Holy spirit moves itself through the driving drums with the full orchestra demonstrated on it's piano... the heightened, ornate vocals on top of the intricately strummed guitar.
This is spiritual, it's alive - it's moving.... it's breathing. It's personified.
It is music.

It is dangerous.

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